Monday, October 12, 2009

The Evil ...Roller?!?

In the war against communicable diseases... it seems the most helpful tool can be the deadliest?

I just found out my best friend in the whole world -- The Brush Roller -- can have malicious icky stuff inside the brush but also transfer bacterial/viral infections is, also illegal to use in Massachusetts.

I don't doubt this roller is in fact evil, it was too good to be true.

Will that stop me from using it

I know there is some scientific something saying what diseases can be found in a Brush Roller like ..Tinea

However I will say as a client or guest at a Salon, I would bring in my own set.

As a Beauty School student, I definitely study and read about things that even recalling make my skin itch.

Sanitation and sterilization should not begin and end with the Cosmetology State Board visit to your salon. Next time you visit your Beauty or Nail Salon, take a look around...

Did that comb come off the last clients head to yours or from the Barbicide (blue liquid) Jar? Did that nail file and metal torture device come from pedicure to pedicure to your fingers?

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